? QA Design Gurus: Art of writing a good bug report

Apr 7, 2015

Art of writing a good bug report

Why good bug report?
One of the important deliverable in software testing is bug report. Writing a good bug report is an important skill of a software tester. If your bug report is effective, chances are higher that it won't be ignored by the product owner and developer. So fixing a bug depends on how effectively you report it.

What are the qualities of a good software bug report?
A bug report should have the following:

A clear title:
A good title helps reduce duplicate issues and accurately summarize the issue.
Include the specific name of the components involved in your bug in the title.

Steps to reproduce:
You should clearly mention the steps to reproduce for the bug. It should contain all the details of components involved with environment details.
It should contain information as below-
Product: In which product you found this bug.
Component: These are the major sub modules of the product.
Version: The product version.
Platform: Mention the hardware platform where you found this bug.
Operating system: Mention all operating systems where you found the bug.
Priority:When bug should be fixed? Priority tells the importance of the bug.
Severity:This describes the impact of the bug.
Summary:This portion contains a brief summary of the bug. Make sure your summary is reflecting what the problem is and where it is.

A detailed description of bug. Add below details in description to report bug-
Reproducible steps: Clearly mention the steps to reproduce the bug.
Expected result: How application should behave on above mentioned steps.
Actual result: The actual result on running above steps.

Always provide relevant test data or log files with the bug.
It can be stack trace files, log files, database dump file, server/client log files. It can also be a screen shot, generated output file.

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