? QA Design Gurus: Short regression cycles in sprint

Aug 23, 2015

Short regression cycles in sprint

In agile process, each new functionality is tested in the sprint which helps the Engineering team to get feedback at the earliest and to make the process go smoothly, it is crucial for development team to provide a successful build to testing team.

QA will test the feature or functionality implemented in the sprint and log defects and the DEV team triages and fixes the defects. This all looks fine.

The problem or the challenge is:
The feature or the functionality would have been tested thoroughly however, integration points might not be covered. The integration points might be between products, components or features.
Some organisations have a different team for testing integration points between products. Though testing is not done in every sprint. Still the component, feature level integration are the responsibility of the sprint team.
In general, testing these integration points are only performed once or twice in the end of a release cycle and lot of defects are filed and fixed. A phase wherein a stressed release end cycle for the engineering team is observed.

Typically, a quick regression cycle at the end of sprint would make things look easy for the engineering team. However, it is difficult to achieve in sprints less than 3 weeks.

To make things simple, you could adopt the below
1. A build verification and acceptance tests for daily builds.
2. Practice code commit reports efficiently.
3. Run the automated regression tests.
4. Produce tests which cover component and feature level integration.

Have a short regression cycle atleast after two sprints which covers manual and automated testing.

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