? QA Design Gurus: TDD Vs BDD

May 10, 2016


Test Driver Development (TDD) refers to a process by which you develop and test your code. In TDD approach, development process starts from writing the test before coding and run that test along with another tests that fails, because the specified functionality doesn’t exist. Now, write the minimum amount of code that can make the test to pass. After that, restructure or remove duplication in the existing code without changing its behavior.  Repeat this loop over and over until feature completion. It means that we are repeating the process from RED-GREEN-REFACTOR in a cycle.

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is the enhancement of TDD, by which you can approach development and testing. Unlike TDD, BDD is more focused on how you test than when you test. In BDD, your tests are focused on behavior rather than implementation. It means that tests have to been written how the customer’s / user’s will use the software or expected experience, for the given input whether they receive the expected result. i.e., if I click on “Login” button on, I expect user should be able to login with valid credentials else should be able to see proper error message. 


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